School Health ~ The Nurse's Corner

                  Cuddles and Care

Nursing Wish List Link - If you would like to donate to the Nursing clinic, please take a look at our wish list at this link

  • mural. | Apparo Academy
  • group photo | Apparo Academy
  • New school Year Forms | Apparo Academy
  • .Exclusion Policy for Illness & Communicable Disease Notification | Apparo Academy
  • MyPlate. | Apparo Academy

    Please watch for this card in your child's lunchbox to help us ensure your child gets the nutrition they need.

Required Nursing Forms

Hello Parents! Here you will find the nursing forms REQUIRED to complete the registration of your child for Apparo. If your child has an Action Plan, there is an additional form that has to be completed by the student's medical provider. You will find the Action Plans further down the page.

All forms for your child must be redone before our new school year begins in August of every year.

If you have any questions, please respond to Nurse Kelly directly through her

Nutritional Requirements - We are a PEANUT-FREE school

Healthy Eating is learned and we want to teach it! Please ensure your child has a Happy Plate for all meals eaten while at school. We follow the USDA recommendations for My Plate and for milk consumption. Please review these resources for guidance on what to send your child for meals and snacks. If your child is unable to follow the USDA recommendations, please ensure a Dietary Order - signed by their pediatrician - is on file with the nurse. 

MyPlate. | Apparo Academy

The busy schedule of families can make it hard to make healthy choices for meals and snacks. Learning how to make healthy food choices should begin in our young toddlers.There are many ways you can teach and support your children in eating healthily. They include: Start with breakfast, Make mealtimes a priority, Get kids involved, Limit sugar, Be smart about fat, Make fruits and veggies more appealing. 

At APPARO Academy, we educate our students on nutrition and making good nutritional choices. To assist you in getting your child involved in making good nutritional choices, please watch your child's lunchbox for a card that looks like this green MyPlate. If any of the good food choices have been missed, your teacher will indicate it on this card and you can use that to help guide the choices you and your child make.

Nutritional Links

Medication Administration

Medication Administration Authorization Medication Administration Authorization

  • ALL medication REQUIRES the completion of a Medication Authorization Form to be completed.
  • Medications must be in the original labeled container (no baggies, envelopes, foil, etc.). Pharmacists can provide a duplicate labeled container for school doses.
  • Over the counter medicines must be new, unopened, and within expiration date.
  • Prescription medications must come with pharmacy applied prescription or provider written prescription. Any provider changes must be in writing.
  • All medication is to be taken directly to the Nurse’s office upon immediate arrival.
  • Emergency medications will be given according to the Care Plan in the clinic.

Emergency Action Plans